Death Log

A Champion's Welcome

Hello and Welcome Champions!
We have been hard at work in the arena’s behind the scenes to make Death Or Glory the best game that we can make. It has been a long journey up to this point, so we wanted to share what we have been up to so y’all can be up to date on our development!
Without any further wait, let’s get into the details!


  • First external programmer hired

We decided that we needed an extra set of hands to help with programming, and work within the Gamemaker engine so we could all optimize our time to the fullest.


  • Started a redesign on all player characters

As we were fine tuning our design, and more and more characters have been created, we felt we needed to improve the quality of design for all our player characters. We designed our playable characters and NPCs from the bottom up to better reflect the visual quality we can achieve at this stage of our production.

  • Improved version of UI started

One of the things we wanted to pay special attention to was accessibility and user friendliness. We started with something that was somewhat clustered, and in the new version things have been moved around to be more visually appealing and have some space for the player to really immerse themself other than be bombarded with a full screen of chaos.

Where we began:

Where we currently are:

  • Animation of UI and other card effects started

We created a list of core and secondary card animations, which we are now working on animating to ensure we have animations for every scenario and action. These animations help our players see visual representations of statuses, and will also allow the characters to feel more genuine.

  • Key visual production

We started researching and finalizing the direction of Key Visuals. We Combined the feel of Super Smash Bros and Street Fighter together to create a unique look. The idea was to make this game's visuals have the same “big fight feel” of the aforementioned games while still having its own unique identity.
Music and SFX

  • Started commissioning sound effects and music for the game

We realized we needed a unique, catchy, and iconic battle theme. This after all is what sticks in folk’s brains when they think of the game, so getting it right was super important to us. This also meant we needed to find the right person for the job.

We also knew the importance of having SFX in the right places and thought hard on where that would be for our game. Naturally, the answer came pretty easily, but still posed the question of how to do it right. We want our battle scenes to be super immersive to allow players to feel really “there”. The answer for us narrowed down to ensuring all of our card actions have their own super unique sound effect.

As we continue to work through development and make this game is something a true champion would be proud to play. We want our community to be a part of that journey. We know the value of community feedback and take all suggestions to heart. You can pass along all of your feedback and thoughts to us through our official Discord channel, so please join us on our journey!

To stay in touch with us outside of Discord, you can find us on TwitterInstagramFacebook and GameJolt.
Until we meet again champions!

Death Or Glory Community Management Team

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